Youth Volunteer Fair
Sunday, October 21, 2018
12-2 pm,
First Congregational Church,
210 Orchard Ridge Road,
Chappaqua, New York
NCUFY is pleased to once again sponsor the Youth Volunteer Fair which provides community youth in Grades 5 and up with the ability to connect with volunteer organizations as part of our commitment to helping kids make positive choices and community connections.
Did you know that community engagement is an important youth protective factor? Research shows that the risk for substance abuse and other adverse behaviors increases as the number of risk factors increases, and that protective factors may reduce the risk of youth engaging in substance use that can lead to substance abuse. When youth become engaged and develop connections to other teens and adults in their community, they are more likely to have the skills necessary to avoid the use of alcohol and other drugs. Youth who volunteer also have the opportunity to develop mentor relationships with adults and to develop friendships with peers who share their interests and values.
Last year’s Volunteer Fair attracted over 100 youth and their families who came to learn about volunteer opportunities. Bring your student, grades 5 and up, for an opportunity to speak with representatives of many local organizations that have a variety of volunteer possibilities for youth and take away a booklet describing these and other opportunities. Refreshments will be served!