Join Us At the Chappaqua Children’s Book Festival

Did you know that New Castle United for Youth is a sponsor of the Chappaqua Children’s Book Festival? Family activities such as attending festivals and reading together are important prevention work. Research has shown that the level of family bonding and connectedness are strong predictors of whether an adolescent will abstain from substance use. Building family connections and a positive family dynamic can help protect children from making poor choices around alcohol and other drugs. NCUFY is proud to help give families opportunities to share a love of reading and perhaps to help create opportunities for important conversations around family values including alcohol and other drug use.


As a sponsor, NCUFY will have a booth at the Chappaqua Children’s Book Festival which is this Saturday, October 5 from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. Look for our booth and spin our prize wheel for a chance to tell us about things your family enjoys doing together and win a prize. 


Thanks to the NCUFY second session summer interns for their work learning about and identifying protective factors in our community. Their efforts led to our Chappaqua Children’s Book Festival tagline – Family Connection Is Prevention – and some of the activities we’ll be sharing there.