NCUFY is Part of Greeley Community Service Expo

New Castle United for Youth was excited to participate today in the Community Service Expo at Horace Greeley High School. NCUFY was one of over 30 organizations who came to share information with Greeley students about local volunteer opportunities.


Students visited Coalition Coordinator Joe Durney at our table, spun our prize wheel to learn more about the benefits of volunteering and heard about NCUFY volunteer opportunities. To learn more about NCUFY youth opportunities, visit the youth engagement section of our website.


In the words of our own summer interns, here is why teens should consider volunteering:


Why Volunteer?

Volunteering allows you to give back to your community and feel good about yourself in the process! It also gives a sense of purpose and community for those who partake, makes you happy, connects you with others, and can even help further your career.

Who wouldn’t want to feel good and help out their community, while also benefiting themselves personally!

The NCUFY 2019 Summer Interns


The NCUFY 2019 Summer Interns also put together a NCUFY volunteer pamphlet which lists organizations with volunteer opportunities in our community.

NCUFY is always happy to help spread the message about how community connectedness can help teens make healthy decisions in the rest of their lives as well. Thanks to the Greeley PTA for putting on this important event.